Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Ion Dragoumis recognizes the Macedonian language in 1907

Here is a translation of the above text into English:
-You cannot own every city that is inhabited by Greeks. If so Marseille would be yours, as well as Odessa
-The same observation more or less I make of you.
You want to make the area of Monastiri yours, because there are towns where the Macedonian language is spoken, which you call Bulgarian.
- Many towns! All the towns in the area speak Bulgarian!
Do they wish to be Greeks or not?
And since they do want(to be Greek), Im not sure if language is enough proof of a peoples ethnicity.
First off, the language in question is not spoken by all, but only some Macedonian villagers. Those who speak it, do so only in their houses not in public(agora), where they speak Greek. And finally, this language is not Bulgarian, but a mix of slavic and Greek. It is not Bulgarian, Bulgarian does not exist even in Bulgaria. The cities of Macedonia are clearly Greek, the people of the area are Greek, the history of the area is Greek, and the actual land(earth/dirt) is Greek.
- I can not understand, and I never will, this idea that you have that the Macedonians lost their language and picked up Bulgarian.
-I can not see how the Bulgarians who are Hunno-Tartars lost their language and took…

Source: Ίων Δραγούμης, «Μαρτύρων και ηρώων αίμα», εκδ. Μαλλιάρης-Παιδεία (φωτογραφική ανατύπωση της α’ εκδ. 1907), page 98.
Ion Dragoumis, “Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Blood”, edition Malliaris-Paideia (photocopy of the 1907 edition), page 98.

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